Curtis Fox

Curtis L. Fox is the author of the recently published book Hybrid Warfare: The Russian Approach to Strategic Competition and Conventional Military Conflict. Despite being accepted to the graduate engineering program at Virginia Tech, Curtis chose to enlist in the Army, where he learned to speak Russian and won his Green Beret. After completing his time in service, Curtis studied at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, earning a Master’s of Business Administration.
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German Security Paradox: The U.S. Army’s Role in Europe

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Location:_ Europe

The Rebirth of the British Empire: Political Preconditions for a Royal Navy Renaissance

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Europe

Why Aren’t Sanctions Working on Russia?

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Europe

U.S. vs Russian “Hybrid Warfare” Doctrine: A Comparative Glance

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Europe, North America

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