Official diplomatic ties between China and Canada were established in 1970 (source). While this relationship is not abominable compared to China’s relations with other nations, it is one that will be carefully looked at in 2023.
In short, Canada’s Arctic security experts will continue to focus on building stringent strategies as a result of China’s surveillance attempts in 2022. America’s influence on Canada will affect this relationship negatively and finally, the recent discussion of China’s attempted interference in the 2021 Canadian elections, will greatly contribute to the decline of this relationship.
Key Judgement 1. Canada’s defence and security teams will highly likely be on high alert when it comes to its relationship with China. The main result of this is because of Chinese surveillance in the Arctic throughout 2022.
Key Judgement 2. It is likely that due to America’s challenging relationship with China, the tension between China and Canada will build; America will continue to influence Canada’s relationship with China.
Key Judgement 3. As a result of recent developments in the discussion of China’s potential interference in the 2021 Canadian elections, it is likely that this relationship will continue to decline over the next few months.
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