Welcome back to the Grey Dynamics Podcast! This week we are talking to Keven Hendricks, an expert and pioneer in Crypto and Dark Web investigations. Keven is the founder of Ubivis, a project dedicated to combatting the spread of narcotics using the dark web. He has worked previously under the FBI and DEA, taking part in various task forces. We discussed adapting to the changing crypto landscape, taking down criminals operating on the dark web, privacy in crypto, the tools he uses to keep himself secure and much more.
Find Keven Hendricks:
We Spoke About:
- 1:10 – Keven’s background
- 3:54 – Being part of an anti-online exploitation task force
- 6:17 – How Keven began specialising in cryptocurrencies
- 10:03 – Working with federal and international organisations, adapting to the changing crypto landscape and participating in the take down of illicit marketplaces
- 15:24 – Where adversaries on the dark web slip up
- 18:34 – How criminals using cryptocurrencies cash out
- 22:02 – Cryptocurrency ATMs
- 24:44 – Monero and other privacy centric cryptocurrencies
- 29:07 – Using privacy centric crytocurrencies
- 31:56 – What is TOR?
- 36:09 – Disscusing Torndao Cash
- 44:14 – Most private and secure messaging apps
- 47:25 – Which mobile OS is more secure?
- 50:00 – Recommendations for tools similar to TOR and TailsOS
- 52:09 – Advice for conducting investigations into crypto and the dark web
- 55:32 – Cultural recommendations
- 57:22 – Final thoughts and the increasing relevancy of cryptocurrencies
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