Drug trafficking between Latin America and Europe is a complex and lucrative criminal enterprise. It involves the transport of illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana from Latin American production centres to European consumer markets. The drug trade is fueled by the high demand for these drugs in Europe. But also, by the enormous profits that criminal organisations that control the trade can make. Efforts to combat drug trafficking are ongoing between Latin America and Europe. However, trade remains a persistent issue.
Key judgement 1. Drug trafficking between Latin America and Europe is highly likely to continue in the next 12 months, given the profitability of the drug trade and the high demand for drugs in Europe.
Key judgement 2. The use of narco submarines will increase due to their ability to transport large quantities of drugs over long distances while remaining difficult to detect by authorities.
Key judgement 3. Authorities in Latin America and Europe will increase cooperation in their fight against drug trafficking, establishing new bilateral mechanisms.
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