Tags: Taliban

Badri 313: The Taliban’s Special Forces Unit

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Eurasia

Camp Chapman: The CIA’s Frontline in Afghanistan

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Far East

Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP): 12 Month Counter-Terrorism Forecast

Russian-Taliban Dynamics: Bridging Security and Diplomacy

Location:_ Eurasia

General Command of Police Special Units (GCPSU): Taliban Special Police?

TYPE:_ Article
Location:_ Eurasia

Islamic State – Khorasan Province: 12-month activity forecast

Location:_ Eurasia

Air Capabilities of the Taliban: A Geospatial Analysis

Location:_ Eurasia

Taliban in Focus: A 6-Month Forecast

Location:_ Eurasia

Afghanistan vs its Neighbours: A 6 Month Forecast

Location:_ Eurasia

Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) Pakistan: A Situational Assessment

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