Despite the explosion of space-based human activity, the role of exoatmospheric activity is still relatively limited in the Arctic. However, it is not difficult to find academic works that deal with both topics. Often, the extent of the analysis is limited to comparisons of the hostile conditions encountered in both domains. The actual intersection of Outer Space and the Arctic is unfortunately more subtle and non-obvious. Going into 2024, a major focus of space-faring nations will be to improve their coverage of the Arctic latitudes.
Key Judgement-1: It is highly likely that NASA, the CSA and the ESA will focus on solving satellite communications challenges in the Far North in the next 12 months.
Key Judgement-2: It is likely NATO will enhance space domain cooperation in the next 12 months.
Key Judgement-3: It is likely that Russian space ventures in the Arctic will outpace NATO efforts in the next 12 months.
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