The Georgia Peach: Influencer turned spy?

A Traitor and Political Celebrity

The Georgia peach is also known as Jane Anderson. She could be seen as an ‘influencer’ of the first half of the 20th century. Anderson was a journalist driven by fascism from one point of view. On the other hand, the journalist is seen as a traitor and propagandist. The story, no matter the perspective, leads a journalist and writer from Georgia all the way to Hitler’s Germany as a potential ‘agent‘.

The legacy of Anderson is largely shadowed by ideological, more than professional behaviour. The idea of a ‘new world order’, a conspiracy theory centred on a clandestine Jewish globalist dominance, drove her destinations. The Georgia peach used the Spanish civil war, Catholicism and captivating qualities to associate any non-fascistic socio-political current to communism.

While talented, the story of the Georgia peach concluded in exile away from most countries she cooperated with. A career in the journalistic industry during 20th century European wars led Anderson to bet for the Nazi regime. That bet failed, in part due to Anderson’s mistakes when making propaganda, reinforcing the Spanish countryside as the preferred destination.

The Georgia Peach: World War I and working for the Daily Mail

A failed marriage and writing adventure that went sour pushed Jane Anderson from New York to London. Allegedly, Jane Anderson is the first woman to loop in an aircraft over Hyde Park at 7,000 feet. The story appeared on the Daily Mail and the New York Tribune. This fact would be irrelevant, if not for the Georgia Peach’s experience describing WWI from both fronts.

The journalist interviewed soldiers on both sides and was eventually admitted into Joseph Conrad’s elite club of writers. Later, destined to inspect a weapons depot in France in 1916, health deteriorations caused a temporary retirement. A rise in influence led Anderson to connect with the Italian and Japanese ambassadors in Paris in 1917, as well as British generals. In the meantime, contact in New York with Jozef Retinger, codenamed ‘Salamander’ by the SOE, fixated a long-term anti-communist belief.

Spanish royalty and Religious Anti-Communism

Jane Anderson, in the end, was re-named Juana de la Santísima Trinidad and entered the nobility by becoming a Marquise. The presence amongst elites in Paris led the Marquis Eduardo Alvarez de Cienfuegos to wed the Georgia peach in Sevilla. Instead of choosing the high life, ideology and habit re-ignited the war-correspondence period. Anderson re-employed within the Daily Mail and became a front-line correspondent with inclinations against the republican government.

Spanish Civil War food deliveries – The Georgia Peach actively targeted the Republican faction

Prison, Radicalisation and increase in propaganda

Torture in Spanish prison during the civil war only shrunk any possibility of Anderson’s change in political discourse. Facing tortures for 3 weeks in ‘Checas’, like sharing a habitat with wild rats, re-assured the catholic and most importantly fascist identity within the writer. After leaving Spain to Paris, the Georgia Peach launched a propaganda campaign against communism and in particular against the Spanish government. Bishop Fulton Sheen labelled the journalist as the greatest martyr alive for Catholicism. In October 21st 1939, Goebbels’ personal diary recognised the journalist’s value and her message.

The Georgia Peach: Nazi Endeavours, Propaganda and Global Exile

In April 1941, Anderson worked as a propagandist invited by the German state radio Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft. Targeting the American audience in the German radio ‘USA Zone’, Goebbels met the journalist by May 1941. The Nazi regime succeeded at removing the Georgia peach and any evidence of her presence from the radio by March 1942. US counterpropaganda services successfully spun a propaganda story in which Anderson bragged about meal qualities in Berlin. The US services portrayed an elitist class in Berlin unable to feed the countryside. Removing the journalist was mandatory. Was the Nazi regime employing Jane Anderson during the 1930s and 40s? Considering the propaganda work, it remains likely.

“Always remember progressive Americans eat Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and listen to both sides of the story” – Starting and Ending slogan on USA Zone

Jane Anderson

Arrest, Exile and Dissapearance

Professional mistakes in authoritarian regimes create consequences, one of them being the disappearance of one’s public identity. In 1943, the US declared an intention of arrest for working against American interests, declaring her a traitor. The arrest of the Georgia peach happened in 1947 in Salzburg, after being on the run for 2 years. Anderson was subsequently released due to a lack of evidence. Allegedly, the Spanish citizenship and her status as a Falangist propaganda actor influenced the US to drop charges. She took residency in Almoharín and Caceres, rural villages and cities in South-Western Spain until her death in 1972 in Madrid. The specific location of her burial continues to be unknown.

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