Recent developments have raised serious concerns about cooperation between Iran and North Korea (NK). Specifically, in the field of ballistic missile technology. Since January 2015, when the US imposed sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program, there have been reports of their cooperation. Furthermore, reports indicate that the Hemmat Industrial Group and NK are negotiating to develop a high-thrust engine. Mir Ahmed Nousheen’s visit to Pyongyang evidenced this, as he represented the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO).
In sum, the political rapprochement between Iran and NK, despite limited economic ties, has led to sporadic high-level visits, indicating a deepening relationship. Moreover, North Korea reportedly sent an economic delegation to Iran, further underscoring the evolving relations between the two countries.
Key Judgment 1. It’s likely that Iran and North Korea are engaged in long collaboration related to sharing ballistic missile technology.
Key Judgment 2. North Korea is seeking to deepen its relations with Iran, particularly in light of their potential future confrontation with Israel.
Key Judgment 3. The convergence of diplomatic ties between North Korea, Russia, and Iran likely indicates the formation of a power bloc.
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