Episode 5: Illicit Nuclear Technology Procurement and Dark Networks With Jack Margolin

Thank you for joining the Grey Dynamics podcast. We have a very special guest, Jack Margolin! Jack is the program director of the Conflict-Affected States Program at C4ADS, which is a nonprofit organization that uses publicly available information and emerging technology to disrupt international crime and conflict. He has investigated corruption, arms trafficking, and nuclear proliferation from Russia to South Sudan.

We spoke about

  • Illicit Nuclear Technology Procurement by companies in Pakistan and India
  • Sudanese state-owned cartel and its connections with the Wagner Group
  • Comparing and contrasting publicly accessible information (PAI) and open source intelligence (OSINT)
  • Flight data tracking using C4ADS’s proprietary ADS-B Exchange data tool
  • How the desire of being first on Twitter can lead to misinformation propagation
  • North Korean networks in Africa
  • Find your passion and niche down if you want to stand out and build transferable skills

You can find Jack’s work at https://c4ads.org/people/jack-margolin/ or via Twitter @Jack_Mrgln

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