Trinidad and Tobago: National Crisis and Violence

The crime rate in Trinidad and Tobago, with its significant impact on national security, presents a critical challenge as the nation grapples with a ‘national crisis’ of violence. With over two homicides per day in 2024, including public shootings and daylight attacks, the country’s security landscape is under severe strain. Consequently, this strain has a negative effect its social fabric and economic stability. 

Key Judgement 1: Trinidad and Tobago’s crime rates will likely worsen, influenced by gang-related activities and the proliferation of illegal firearms in the next 12 months. 

Key Judgement 2: Rising crime rates will likely exacerbate Trinidad and Tobago’s economic challenges in the next 12 months.

Key Judgement 3: Community trust in law enforcement and governmental institutions in Trinidad and Tobago is likely to further erode over the next 12 months. 

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