PMC World: Romanian Contractors Fighting In The Congo

Romanian private military contractors are fighting in Congo as allies in a government coalition fighting rebel groups in the eastern regions. The Kinshasa Coalition Forces (FARDC) are counting on an estimated 2000 contractors to hold off and push back the constant advance of the Congolese Revolutionary Army (M23) in South Kivu and North Kivu.

HoraÈ›iu Potra, a former legionnaire, is leading the initiative of retired operators from the Romanian Army special forces with combat experience. The Goma Airport and the Mbiza Hotel are the provisional headquarters for the private force, that stabilized the security situation within the city, at the expense of five casualties in the last two years. Romanian contractor’s presence on Congolese soil is becoming increasingly evident to the general public. Meanwhile, questions are being raised about their ability to ensure long-term stability in the Kivu provinces and turn their allies in tribal militias into a professional military force.

Key Judgment 1. The Romanian presence in Goma will highly likely secure and stabilise the North Kivu province capital for the rest of the year.

Key Judgment 2. The Congolese Revolutionary Army (M23) will almost certainly maintain its status as the prime threat to Eastern European contractors. 

Key Judgment 3. HoraÈ›iu Potra’s private initiative is unlikely to revert President Tshisekedi’s strategic losses to Rwandan and Ugandan-backed rebel groups.

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