The Tren de Aragua (TDA) is currently emerging in the United States as one of the newer organizations related to criminal activity. This organization, born in the prisons of Venezuela and imposed through violence around Chile and Peru, is confirmed to be operating in at least seven different states.
“Niño Guerrero” criminal organization usually benefits from the underworld economy, but this prison gang have served in the past as a collection asset for foreign agencies. The Tren de Aragua (TDA) is also accused of operating for the Venezuelan Military Counterintelligence Directorate. (Source)
Authorities have investigated their presence for a couple of years, but it was not until a video leaked showing several of their members armed with rifles that the public became aware of their activities.” (Source) (Source).
Key Judgement 1. The Tren de Aragua (TDA) presence in the United States is likely to expand in territory and become more violent by the end of this year.
Key Judgement 2. It is likely that the Tren de Aragua (TDA) will engage in clandestine activities in the United States, including intelligence collection and direct action.
Key Judgement 3. It is highly likely that the Tren de Aragua (TDA) will increase the trafficking and sales of firearms to gain weapon superiority against rival gangs and government institutions.
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