Martino Jervis

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Organised Crime in Covert Action: A Growing Trend

FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Division 25th Birthday: Successes, Challenges, and Future Direction

Location:_ North America

Oligarch Musk: Influence on International Politics, Conflict, and Policy

Location:_ North America, Europe

Conflict in Jubaland: Somalia’s Government Under Pressure

Location:_ Horn of Africa

Abu Mohammad al-Julani: HTS Leader Aspires to Legitimacy 

Location:_ MENA

Edward Snowden: A New Lease on Life?

Location:_ North America

International Criminal Court’s Recent Rulings Expose a Paper Tiger

U.S. Counter-Disinformation Programs’ Decline Aids Foreign Influence Operations

Location:_ North America

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Are We There Yet?

Naim Qassem: New Hezbollah Chief Brings a Focus on Intellectual and Socio-political Issues

Location:_ MENA

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